So, this is what I came up with.  It works, which is good but it’s a little 
different from a few things you guys had mentioned.  For one, I got the correct 
time by calculating the number of time run and converting that into seconds 
then back out to hr:mn:sc.  I didn’t calculate from midnight.  That seemed more 
complicated to me because I’d have to figure the number of seconds from 
midnight to 6:52am then do the calculations for number of seconds run until I 
got home, then I got kind of lost.  Also, before I forget what is the 
difference between / and //?  I remember somthing about floor division?  Not 
sure what that means though.  Is it like a % where it gives the remainder after 
dividing?  Thanks again.  Code below.  Also, I think I found out through a 
little trial and error that I had two different hours, mins, and sec so I had 
to use one uppercase and one lower case.  Is that frowned upon?  And should I 
have come up with a different name instead?


time_left_house = 6 * HOURS + 52 * MINUTES

miles_run_easy_pace = 2 * (8 * MINUTES + 15 * SECONDS)

miles_run_fast_pace = 3 * (7 * MINUTES + 12 * SECONDS)

time_returned_home = miles_run_easy_pace + miles_run_fast_pace + time_left_house

hours = time_returned_home // HOURS
part_hour = time_returned_home % HOURS
minutes = part_hour // MINUTES
seconds = part_hour % MINUTES

print "Time returned home:", hours,":", minutes,":", seconds,"am"

On Jan 31, 2014, at 6:51 AM, Neil Cerutti <> wrote:

> On 2014-01-31, <> wrote:
>> Here is the question that was asked and below that I'll paste
>> the code I have so far.
>> **If I leave my house at 6:52 am and run 1 mile at an easy pace
>> (8:15 per mile), then 3 miles at tempo (7:12 per mile) and 1
>> mile at easy pace again, what time do I get home for
>> breakfast?**
> That depends on the directions in which you run. Also, you are
> fast!
> But seriously, my advice is to find the answer the old fashioned
> way first, with pencil and paper. Then you'll have two things you
> don't now:
> 1. A correct answer to test your program's answer with.
> 2. A general idea of how to solve the problem.
> It's often a mistake to start writing code. Eventually you'll be
> able to go directly from problem to code more often, but it will
> take practice.
> -- 
> Neil Cerutti
> -- 


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