sjud9227 wrote:
Doesn't assigning seconds/(60*60) mean that calculating 6*hours will give me 6 hours in seconds?
No, it's giving you 6 seconds in hours. (That should give you a clue as to what you should have done instead. :-) Also, I don't know what you were trying to do with these two statements: seconds = seconds - hours*60*60 seconds = seconds - minutes *60 but they don't belong there at all. If you simply take them out, that part of the program is almost right.
Also, why calculate how many seconds from midnight?
Because the question asked "what time do I get home?", not "how long did it take me to get home?". You're already calculating "what time do I get home" with: total_time_run = miles_run_easy_pace + miles_run_fast_pace + time_left_house except that 'total_time_run' would be better called something like 'time_got_home'.
Also, for the life of me I cannot figure out how to make everything display in hh:mm:ss.
Here are a few hints: 1. Consider that if you take a number of seconds and divide it by the number of seconds in an hour, the quotient is the number of hours, and the remainder is the number of minutes and seconds left over, expressed in seconds. 2. If you then divide the remainder from (1) by the number of seconds in a minute, the quotient is the number of minutes, and the remainder is the number of seconds. 3. Python has the following operators for performing integer division: a // b gives the quotient of dividing a by b a % b gives the remainder (I recommend using '//' rather than just '/', because in some versions of Python, a/b does floating point division even if a and b are both integers, and that's not what you want here.) -- Greg --