Ben Finney <> writes:

> Time zones are a hairy beast to manage, made all the more difficult
> because national politicians continually fiddle with them which means
> they can't just be a built-in part of the Python standard library.

PyCon 2013 had a good talk on calendaring and timezone issues
(video at <URL:>).

The speaker, Lennart Regebro, maintains a library for getting the local
timezone <URL:>, and is currently
working on a PEP to improve timezone support directly in the standard
library <URL:>.

He also reinforces the message that UTC is the canonical timezone for
storing and manipulating timestamp values, and we should be converting
to/from those canonical values as early/late as possible in our programs.

 \     “Reality must take precedence over public relations, for nature |
  `\                            cannot be fooled.” —Richard P. Feynman |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney


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