In <> mick verdu <> writes:
> Thanks for reply. > I am running file via ctrl+F11 and seeing output on pyDev Console. > My code has got nested dictionaries, lists and tuples. What you want to see? One thing you could try is to track down exactly which line(s) are causing the unwanted output. Add some print statements to your code, say one print every fifty lines or so. Or perhaps just one print statement at the top of each function. Make each message different so you can tell them apart in the output. When the unwanted output appears, take note of which of your print statements appears above and below it. Then you can add more print statements in between those two, until you have narrowed down exactly what line of code is causing the output. Then, if you still can't tell why it is happening, post that line of code here and maybe we can help. Or, if your program is short enough, you can just post the whole thing here. Be sure to give an example of the unwanted output, and tell us exactly how the program is being executed. If the program uses input files, be sure to give us those too. -- John Gordon Imagine what it must be like for a real medical doctor to watch 'House', or a real serial killer to watch 'Dexter'. --