On Wednesday, January 22, 2014 1:49:16 AM UTC+2, Shane Konings wrote:
> I have the following sample from a data set and I am 
> looking to split the address number and name into separate headings 
>as seen below.
> I have struggled with this for a while and know there must be a simple method 
> to achieve this result.

input = '''1        1067 Niagara Stone
2        4260 Mountainview
3        25 Hunter
4        1091 Hutchinson
5        5172 Green Lane
6        500 Glenridge
7        471 Foss
8        758 Niagara Stone
9        3836 Main
10        1025 York '''

tlist = input.splitlines()
for k in tlist:

do with 'k' whatever you wish 

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