On 2014-01-21 14:44, kevinber...@gmail.com wrote:
I have a python script that accepts two arguments:
sys.argv[1] is the full directory path to a config script.  The script is 
python but does not have a .py extension!
sys.argv[2] is the file name of the config script

For example:
mainScript.py ./ a15800

The config script sets variables that I want to be able to use in the main 

*** contents of "a15800": ***
myVar = "hello"

*** contents of "mainScript.py": ***
def printVars(configModuleName):
     myVarName = ("%s.myVar" % configModuleName)
     print "myVarName = %s" % myVarName
     myVarValue = eval(myVarName)
     print "myVarValue = %s" % myVarValue

if __name__ == '__main__':
     import sys
     import imp
     filePath = sys.argv[1]
     fileName = sys.argv[2]
     configModuleObject = imp.load_source(fileName, filePath)
     configModuleName = configModuleObject.__name__
     print "configModuleName = %s" % configModuleName

*** Output: ***
mainScript.py ./ a15800
configModuleName = a15800
myVarName = a15800.myVar
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "mainScript.py", line 27, in <module>
   File "mainScript.py", line 15, in printVars
     myVarValue = eval(myVarName)
   File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
NameError: name 'a15800' is not defined

*** Question: ***
How do I get the value of the config file variable "myVar"??  It seems it's 
interpreting the variable name as a string rather than a variable name.  I don't see any 
python function stringToVariable.

The line:

    configModuleObject = imp.load_source(fileName, filePath)

imports the module and then binds it to the name configModuleObject,

    print configModuleObject.myVar


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