On Sun, Jan 19, 2014 at 9:32 AM, indar kumar <indarkuma...@gmail.com> wrote:
> @Roy Smith
> Can you help me privately because its an assignment and have to submit 
> plagiarism free

Are you sure the requirement precludes you posting your code? More
likely, the rule is that you may not copy someone else's. When it's
posted here, it'll have your name associated with it, so anyone
checking for your code on the web will see that you posted it

But please, before you post your code, fix your posts. You're using
the buggiest client known to this list: Google Groups. Using a
different means of posting is probably the best solution, but failing
that, you could search the web for 'Google Groups Python' and find
some useful instructions. (I'd like to see that you're able to find
things based on web search results, because that's an important


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