On Thursday, January 16, 2014 5:59:42 AM UTC-5, Albert-Jan Roskam wrote:

> what would be wrong with the following approach:
> import unittest
> class Test(unittest.TestCase):
>     receipts = {}
>     def unique_value(self, k, v):
>         assert Test.receipts.get(k) is None, "Duplicate: %s" % v
>         Test.receipts[k] = v        
>     def test_a(self):
>         self.unique_value("large_value", "foo")
>     def test_b(self):
>         self.unique_value("large_value", "bar")  # oh no, a duplicate! 
>     def test_c(self):
>         self.unique_value("another_large_value", "blah")

Although I didn't state it in my original post, we run these tests under nose 
in multi-process mode.  Each process would have its own copy of the receipts 

Yes, I know I can force all the tests in a class to be in the same process, but 
these are some of the slower tests in our suite, so we *want* them to run in 

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