Hi, Sorry to post what might seem like a trivial problem here, but its driving me mad!
I have a simple https client that uses httplib to post data to a web server. When I post over http & https using curl the data is recieved by the web server with no problems. When I post using my python client the headers get there, but the body of the message does not. My code is pretty standard and has the format: httplib.HTTPSConnection.debuglevel = 1 connection = httplib.HTTPSConnection(host_name, key_file = key, cert_file = cert) connection.putrequest("POST", path) connection.putheader("Content-Length", str(len(body))) ...(some more headers)... connection.endheaders() connection.send(body) response = connection.getresponse() connection.close() (some code has been removed for clarity).. I can see in the debug messages the body getting sent, but nothing arrives at the server... I think I would understand whats going on better if I knew how Python uses the underlying socket - does it a) open the socket, send the header & body together or b) send the header, wait, then send the body? I think the answer to this question solve my problem - can anyone help? Thanks. p.s. I'm using Python 2.3.3 [GCC 3.3.3 (SuseLinx)] -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list