On 01/08/2014 11:56 PM, jeremiahvalerio...@gmail.com wrote:
Hi, hows it going I've been self teaching myself python, and i typed up this
small script now i know its not the best the coding is not the best but i would
like to know of ways to make a small script like this better so all
constructive critisim is Welcome.
Here is the link to the code
" http://pastebin.com/5uCFR2pz "
I'm not sure if someone already pointed this out, but imports only need
to be done once. Usually at the beginning of the file, but not always.
In your case I would say yes, at the beginning.
import sys
import time
def countdown(seconds):'
# start at 'seconds' and count down with a for-loop
for i in range(seconds, 0, -1):
# print the current second (i)
print('closing in {} seconds.'.format(i))
# sleep for one second (no need to import time again).
# Example usage:
# Prints the countdown.
- Christopher Welborn <cjwelb...@live.com>