J wrote:

> just to follow up. I managed to get it working by having a closer look
> at the xxmodules. However, the example does the following
>         typedef struct
>         {
>             PyStructBaseClass  mBase;
>             int mValue;
>         } PyStructDerivedClass;
> Does anything speak agains doing this ?
>         typedef struct : public PyStructBaseClass
>         {
>             int mValue;
>         } PyStructDerivedClass;
> It seems to work for me. The advantage is that access to the members in
> that structure is easier. The .mBase is not needed ....

Well, it's C++, not C, and in C++ you wouldn't idiomatically
use typedef there, but rather write

struct pyStructDerivedClass : PyStructBaseClass
   int mValue;

You'll also be relying on assumptions of how single inheritance
is implemented by your C++ compiler -- but that said, I've used
this assumption in the past and found it to be valid for a wide
range of compiler/ABIs.

-- James

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