On 08/01/2014 21:51, sagarnild...@gmail.com wrote:
I am trying to write a program in python which searches for user specified 
words in a txt file and copies the selected lines containing that word into 
another file.

Also the user will have an option to exclude any word.

(e.g Suppose the user searches for the word "exception" and want to exclude the word "abc", then 
the code will only copy the lines which has "exception" in it but not "abc").

Now all the work will be done from the command prompt.

The input would be:

file.py test.txt(input file) test_mod.txt(output file) -e abc(exclude word 
denoted by -e)-s exception(search word denoted by -s)
Now the user will have an option to enter multiple exclude words and multiple 
search words.

Now so far I have achieved that the input format is:

file.py test.txt test_mod.txt abc exception".
This excludes the word "abc" and search for "exception".

But I don't know how to:

Include multiple search word and exclude words
How to denote them by -e and -s. I have seen the argparse and the getopt 
tutorial. But there's no tutorial on this specific topic.
Please can somebody help me by modifying my code or write a new one?

If you can use third party modules I suggest you look at docopt, it's available on pypi.

My fellow Pythonistas, ask not what our language can do for you, ask what you can do for our language.

Mark Lawrence


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