On 08/01/2014 12:36, Martijn Faassen wrote:
Hi there,
On 01/07/2014 06:00 PM, Chris Angelico wrote:
I'm still not sure how Python 2.8 needs to differ from 2.7. Maybe the
touted upgrade path is simply a Python 2.7 installer plus a few handy
libraries/modules that will now be preinstalled? These modules look
great (I can't say, as I don't have a huge Py2 codebase to judge based
on), and they presumably work on the existing Pythons.
Well, in the original article I argue that it may be risky for the
Python community to leave the large 2.7 projects behind because they
tend to be the ones that pay us in the end.
I also argue that for those projects to move anywhere, they need a
clear, blessed, official, as simple as possible, incremental upgrade
path. That's why I argue for a Python 2.8.
Pointing out the 'future' module is existence proof that further
incremental steps could be taken on top of what Python 2.7 already does.
I may be that these points are wrong or should be weighed differently.
It's possible that:
* the risk of losing existing big 2.x projects is low, they'll port
anyway, the money will keep flowing into our community, they won't look
at other languages, etc.
* these big 2.x projects are going to all find the 'future' module
themselves and use it as incremental upgrade path, so there's no need
for a new blessed Python 2.x.
* the approach of the 'future' module turns out to be fatally flawed
and/or doesn't really help with incremental upgrades after all.
But that's how I reason about it, and how I weigh things. I think the
current strategy is risky.
My understanding is that 95% of core developers won't work on 2.8,
partly I suspect because of the massive overhead they've already had to
do supporting 2 and 3 in parellel. Assuming that I'm correct, who is
going to do the work involved, you Martijn?
My fellow Pythonistas, ask not what our language can do for you, ask
what you can do for our language.
Mark Lawrence