On Sun, Jan 5, 2014 at 12:24 PM, Göktuğ Kayaalp <s...@gkayaalp.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> AFAIK, we do not have "postfix conditionals" in Python, i.e. a condition
> appended to a
> statement, which determines whether the statement runs or not:
>   py> for i in [False]:
>   ...     break if not i
> The above piece of code is equivalent to this in Python:
>   py> for i in [False]:
>   ...    if not i
>   ...        break
> I believe that the first example is superior to the second example when the
> two is compared
> for readability and intuitiveness.

I'm going to have to disagree. I dislike how this obscures the
if-statement, complicates the language grammar, and adds another
unnecessary way to express the same thing (which violates TOOWTDI)
with little countervailing benefit.

> We already have a ternary statement that
> looks similar,
>   py> print('hi') if True else None

Actually, to be pedantic, it's a ternary *expression*. Using it purely
for side-effects (i.e. as a statement) is rather unidiomatic, in the
same way that abusing list comprehensions, e.g.:

    [print(i) for i in range(42)]

is frowned upon.
Not to mention that the ternary doesn't work for actual statements
(print() is just a function call in Python 3):

    >>> (x = 1) if True else (x = 2)
      File "<stdin>", line 1
        (x = 1) if True else (x = 2)
    SyntaxError: invalid syntax

> so I reckon there would be no breakage in old code if this kind of syntax
> was added.  Ruby has
> this, and AFAIK Perl also does.
> I lack the knowledge of whether the community has opinions on this kind of
> notation, so I am
> posting this here instead of the ideas list.  What are your thoughts on
> this?

You can already write:

    for i in [False]:
        if not i: break

if you feel the need for terseness or a one-liner. Perhaps this
satisfies your desire?


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