On 1/5/14 1:18 PM, eneskri...@gmail.com wrote:
So, I'm having this radio button issue in tkinter:
First I assign the IntVar:
var = []
while i < self.something:
     i += 2
Later on I use them, but I get this error:
for r in var:
     helper = var[r].get()
     self.something_else[helper] += 1
Then, this happens:
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "F:\Portable Python\App\lib\tkinter\__init__.py", line 1456, in 
     return self.func(*args)
   File "----(Not giving this)", line 26, in submit_data
     helper = var[r].get()
TypeError: list indices must be integers, not IntVar
I'm willing to give additional info. Thank you in advance.

This isn't about radio buttons, it's about how for loops work. I think you want:

    for r in var:
        helper = r.get()

The iteration variable in a for loop (r in this case) takes on the values of the elements of the list, not the indexes of the elements.

Ned Batchelder, http://nedbatchelder.com


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