On Sun, 05 Jan 2014 20:25:11 +1100, Sean Murphy wrote:

> The module must work under dos for now. Eventually Mac.

Do you mean a windows command line terminal window, or some *nix shell?

As far as I know, dos as an operating system hasn't been around since 
version 6.22 or thereabouts, although I believe ms windows provides a dos 
shell like interface on top of the windows os. I'm not aware that any 
version of python is supported on dos, but I may be wrong, there may be 
some 15 year old hardware running dos somewhere that also has a working 
python install.

I associate dos with machines of the pre-pentium era, although I suspect 
that might not be quite accurate either.

Denis McMahon, denismfmcma...@gmail.com

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