On 12/24/2013 11:27 AM, vanommen.rob...@gmail.com wrote: > Indeed this is code what I found on the web to read temperatures from > 10 DS18B20 singlewire sensors. > > My only programming (little) experience is VBA (Excel mostly). >
Definitely you'll want to learn python before you go much farther in this project. Check out the online docs, tutorials, etc. > In this script i want to read the temperatures and make them > available to other scripts. Here's some almost runnable code that might help you get down the right track. You'll have to fill in some of the stuff. temperatures.py: import time sensorids = [...] #fill in these with your ids def _read_sensor(id): # open /sys/bus/w1/deevices/id/slave text = '' while text.split("\n")[0].find("YES") == -1: tfile = open("/sys/bus/w1/devices/"+ id +"/w1_slave") text = tfile.read() tfile.close() time.sleep(0.1) temperaturedata = text.split("\n")[1].split(" ")[9]it(" ")[9] temperature = float(temperaturedata [2:]) / 1000 return temperature def get_temperatures(): # not using list comprehensions but we could temps = [] for sensor in sensorids: temps.append(_read_sensor(sensor)) Then in your other python modules (scripts): import temperatures print temperatures.get_temperatures() # should print a list Hope this gives you a bit of structure you can use. All the code you need to fill in can come from the code you posted previously. -- https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list