On Tue, 24 Dec 2013 09:54:48 -0800 (PST), vanommen.rob...@gmail.com
You should always start by mentioning python version and o.s.
import time
global Sens_Raw1, Sens_Raw2, Sens_Raw3, Sens_Raw4, Sens_Raw5,
Sens_Raw6, Sens_Raw7, Sens_Raw8, Sens_Raw9, Sens_Raw10
The global statement makes no sense here, as you're not inside a
function. Everything you've written is global. That means global to
one module or source file. If you need to access data from another
module you'll use import, and if you need to share with another
process you'll need to use a file, a pipe, a queue, or some other
while True:
sensorids = ["28-0000054c4932", "28-0000054c9454",
"28-0000054c9fca", "28-0000054c4401", "28-0000054dab99",
"28-0000054cf9b4", "28-0000054c8a03", "28-0000054d$
avgtemperatures = []
for sensor in range (len(sensorids)):
temperatures = []
Sens_Raw = []
You're clobbering the list every time around the loop. Move this
line before the loop.
text = '';
while text.split("\n")[0].find("YES") == -1:
tfile =
open("/sys/bus/w1/devices/"+ sensorids[sensor] +"/w1_slave")
text = tfile.read()
secondline = text.split("\n")[1]
temperaturedata = secondline.split(" ")[9]
temperature = float(temperaturedata [2:])
temperatures.append(temperature / 1000)
print "Sensor ", sensor + 1, temperatures
# Sens_Raw(sensor) = temperatures
Use Sens_Raw.append () to add to the end of the list.
This is the program I am trying to adjust. The goal is to make
Sens_Raw1 to 10 global so I can use it in other programs on the
Raspberry Pi. The print Sensor wordks fine.
Thanks for any help!