On 12/24/13 10:55 AM, Mark Lawrence wrote:
On 24/12/2013 15:28, Ned Batchelder wrote:
On 12/24/13 9:58 AM, Mark Lawrence wrote:
On 24/12/2013 10:22, wxjmfa...@gmail.com wrote:

<sorry folks>

[once again snip double spaced google crap]

This is gui related.


This isn't adding anything.  It might even be trolling.

There is nothing trolling about it.  How "Joseph McCarthy" can expect us
to believe that he's talking about Guis when Terry has snipped this

 >>> sys.getsizeof('a')
 >>> sys.getsizeof('€')
 >>> 40 - 26
 >>> sys.getsizeof('\U00010000')
 >>> 44 - 26

leaving only this

Memory? Let me laugh!

is anybody's guess hence my link.

I will repeat, for perhaps the fourth time, that while JM continues his
malicious attacks on the Python core developers via the nonsense that he
writes about PEP 393 and the FSR, I will continue to attack him until he
either shuts up or is shut up, or provides the evidence to support his
claims.  As the latter can never happen (he's had ample opportunity to
do so, but strangely never replies to any requests to do just that), it
will have to be the former by definition.

I agree that JM's complaints are baseless and silly. But they are not attacks on people. Criticizing the product is not criticizing the authors.

You should stop attacking him. The best way to reduce the noise from JM is to ignore him. Your "defense" of the core developers is at least as distracting and detracting from this list's purpose as JM's baseless criticisms.

The first step with a troll is to ignore them.

Ned Batchelder, http://nedbatchelder.com


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