On Mon, Dec 23, 2013 at 5:09 PM,  <ru...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> On Sunday, December 22, 2013 10:37:35 PM UTC-7, Chris Angelico wrote:
>> Actually, formatting errors ARE often caused by Google Groups. Maybe
>> it wasn't in this instance, but I have seen several cases of GG
>> mangling code formatting, so this was a perfectly reasonable theory.
> What sort of formatting errors have you seen and how did you
> determine it was Google Groups fault?  You would need to know
> what the original message was, wouldn't you?  Perhaps these
> were experiments you carried out yourself that you could share
> with us?

Unless people were lying through their teeth when they said that their
posted code had worked on their system, I can be pretty sure it was
the fault of the delivery mechanism. Dig through the archive. Also,
you haven't answered the other part of the post, the more important


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