Den lördagen den 21:e december 2013 kl. 20:03:17 UTC+1 skrev Ned Batchelder:
> On 12/21/13 1:30 PM, wrote:
> > Is there a way to make linebased graphic used in canvas scale correct on 
> > any monitor?
> >
> > I run in 1920*1080 on a Philips TV used as monitor does it matter, lines 
> > tend to get longer vertical then horizontal?
> >
> > Strange is i really do not see it writing out recangles.
> I'm not sure how we can help without seeing any code.  There's no 
> information here that we can use to make a concrete suggestion.
> -- 
> Ned Batchelder,
A vertical and horisontal line of same length will be plottet out like this.
There is really no code to show yet, i just write out some lines and noted that 
writing out a verital line of length 400 is longer then a horisontal line of 
same length e.g.

line(100,100,500,100); is shorter
line(300,100,300,500); is longer


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