On Friday, December 20, 2013 9:30:22 PM UTC+5:30, Mark Lawrence wrote:
> On 20/12/2013 15:34, rusi wrote:
> > On Friday, December 20, 2013 8:46:31 PM UTC+5:30, dec...@msn.com wrote:
> >> y = raw_input('Enter a number:')
> >> print type y
> >> y = float(raw_input('Enter a number:'))
> >> print type y
> >> I'm assuming that y is an object. I'm also assuming that the second and 
> >> the first y are different objects because they have different types.
> > You are also assuming that the two horizontal lines sometimes called 
> > 'equals'
> > have something to do with something called by the same name in math -- 
> > equations

> A good point.  Shall I write a PEP asking for a language change which 
> requires that that stupid = sign is replaced by a keyword reading 
> something like 
> thenameonthelefthandsideisassignedtheobjectontherighthandside ?

Good idea. Only you were beaten to it by about 2 decades.

The language ABC calls it 'put' and corrects the unnecessary gratuitous
right to left order.


And what does that have to do with python?

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