In article <l8snr8$snu$>, Grant Edwards <invalid@invalid.invalid> wrote:
> On 2013-12-18, Chris Angelico <> wrote: > > > Well, okay. In C you can't have > > If "Foo" is a structure with a field named "foo" that is a pointer to > a function, then you can indeed "have" Sigh. This has gone off in a direction I never intended. What I meant was that in C++, when you write call a method by name, it can sometimes be difficult to know exactly what method is being called. Between inheritance, optional parameters, automatic type promotion, default constructors, and maybe a few other things I've forgotten, even if you've got all the signatures of foo() in front of you, it can sometimes be hard to figure out which one the compiler will pick. And that sort of confusion never happens in C. --