On 17/12/2013 20:59, Jason Mellone wrote:
On Tuesday, December 17, 2013 3:53:24 PM UTC-5, Jason Mellone wrote:
On Tuesday, December 17, 2013 3:32:56 PM UTC-5, MRAB wrote:

On 17/12/2013 20:06, Jason Mellone wrote:


I have python up and running using the exact setup as recommended by 

I am now trying to use pdfminer.

I have python here:


using "import os", i am able to cwd to C:\users\python where i have 

when i navigate to the child directory and run "setup.py install" i get the 
following issue:

setup.py install

    File "<stdin>", line 1

      setup.py install


i have no idea why, any input?


Do you really have the ">>>" prompt? If yes, then you're asking Python

to run a console (OS) command.

You should be running "setup.py install" in a console ("Command

Prompt") window, something like:

cd C:\users\python\pdfminer-master

C:\USERS\Python27\python.exe \setup.py install

ok makes sense.

i am running now from command line and get the following:

P:\>C:\USERS\Python27\python.exe C:\users\Python27\pdfminer-master\setup.py inst


running install

running build

running build_py

error: package directory 'pdfminer' does not exist


also this is my dir:
P:\>dir C:\users\python27\pdfminer-master
  Volume in drive C has no label.
  Volume Serial Number is B825-02BA

  Directory of C:\users\python27\pdfminer-master

17/12/2013  02:55 PM    <DIR>          .
17/12/2013  02:55 PM    <DIR>          ..
17/12/2013  02:48 PM    <DIR>          cmaprsrc
17/12/2013  02:48 PM    <DIR>          docs
26/11/2013  04:35 AM             1,723 Makefile
26/11/2013  04:35 AM               111 MANIFEST.in
17/12/2013  03:49 PM    <DIR>          pdfminer
26/11/2013  04:35 AM             5,311 README.md
17/12/2013  02:48 PM    <DIR>          samples
26/11/2013  04:35 AM             1,384 setup.py
17/12/2013  02:48 PM    <DIR>          tools
                4 File(s)          8,529 bytes
                7 Dir(s)  26,006,282,240 bytes free


Hi, glad to see you're making some progress :) You're likely to get more offers of assistance if you read and action this https://wiki.python.org/moin/GoogleGroupsPython to prevent us seeing the double line spacing above, thanks.

My fellow Pythonistas, ask not what our language can do for you, ask what you can do for our language.

Mark Lawrence


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