On 17/12/2013 01:06, Roy Smith wrote:
In article <b64dd8cc-a7b5-47d2-9fe6-d2bd6e432...@googlegroups.com>,
  Rick Johnson <rantingrickjohn...@gmail.com> wrote:

   Dovetails are nothing more than sadistic nostalgia --
   they give old men a "chubby" and young men a nightmare.

There is nothing more satisfying than cutting a set of dovetails by hand
and having them glide together like silk, the first time you test-fit
them, with no daylight visible anywhere.

Someday, mine will be like that :-)

I suspect that your manual skills are rather better than mine. One of my favourite expressions, perhaps because I only ever heard my dad use it, is "like watching a cow handle a shotgun".

My fellow Pythonistas, ask not what our language can do for you, ask what you can do for our language.

Mark Lawrence


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