On 16/12/2013 17:16, Ravi Prabakaran wrote:
I'm completely new to python. I just need simple logic to get output without
any loops.
I have list of string and list of list of numbers.
Each string should be concatenated with every third and fourth values to
generate proper titles in list of strings.
t = ['Start','End']
a = [[1,2,3,4],
Expected Result : ( list of strings )
['Start - 3 , End - 4',
'Start - 7 , End - 8']
Note : First 2 values from each list should be ignored.
Could anyone please guide me with best solution without loops ?
I've no idea what your definition of "best" is but this works.
strings = ['{} - {} , {} - {}'.format(t[0], b[-2], t[1], b[-1]) for b in a]
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