On 12/16/13 3:02 AM, Mark wrote:
If i just try to double click the script, i get an index error, i can barely see the window it disappears so fast, but thats what I see.
If you're going to participate in this forum, you'll get better help from people if you use the medium well.
1) Sending 4 message in a row, within 15 minutes, each replying to the other, is not a good way to use a forum like this. Get your thoughts in order and send one message.
2) While I am normally quite tolerant of the double-spacing Google Groups insists on, your messages are taking it to absurd extremes. Take a look at your last message: https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-list/2013-December/662678.html True, it's kind of beautiful in an abstract way, and is an interesting demonstration of certain binary behaviors, but it is not a good way to participate here.
Of course, the messages you post are your choice, but you should consider the effect they have on the people you are hoping to get help from.
-- Ned Batchelder, http://nedbatchelder.com -- https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list