On Mon, Dec 16, 2013 at 5:17 AM, Michael Herrmann <michael.herrm...@heliumhq.com> wrote: > Hi everyone, > > I'm working for a startup called BugFree Software and would like to announce > that today we're launching our second product! > > Helium is a library that wraps around Selenium to simplify web automation. It > does away with many of the technicalities involved with web scripting. For > example: Here is a Selenium script. Can you guess what it does? > > >>> ff = Firefox() > ... > >>> text_area = ff.find_element_by_id("u_0_1q") > >>> text_area.send_keys("Hello World!") > >>> button = ff.find_element_by_class_name("_42g-") > >>> button.click() > > Here is the same script rewritten using Helium: > > >>> start_firefox() > ... > >>> write("Hello World!", into="Update Status") > >>> click("Post") > > Can you now guess what it does? That's right; It updates your Facebook status. > > In an extended comparison that we were invited to write for the December > issue of Professional Tester (professionaltester.com), we found that an > example script automating Gmail took 66% fewer lines of code and 75% less > effort using Helium than with Selenium alone. > > You can find more information and download Helium from http://heliumhq.com. > Any feedback would be highly appreciated. > > Hoping to hear your thoughts and comments,
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