On 12/13/2013 11:15 AM, wxjmfa...@gmail.com wrote:
Le jeudi 12 décembre 2013 18:55:15 UTC+1, Terry Reedy a écrit :
If you mean cp65xxx (I forget exact numbers), MS Command Prompt fails,
not Python. One should not use any other code page, but only other code
pages work.
Please, do not exaggerate too much.
I try not to, so in case I mis-remembered, I tried your experiment.
>> echo "ሴé€㑖Ѓ⌴*"
> works.
I cut the mixed alphabet input line and pasted into a *fresh* Command
Prompt window on my USA Win 7 machine with all updates.
C:\Users\Terry>echo "?‚????*"
About what I expected, except for é becoming ,. Now the test. Change the
code page and re-paste.
C:\Users\Terry>chcp 65001
Active code page: 65001
C:\Users\Terry>echo "*"
The system cannot write to the specified device.
This a major fail as all non-ascii chars are deleted when pasted (at
least visibly) and the echo does not echo. There is no Python involved
in this failure.
I am willing to believe that you might have gotten different behavior on
your French Win 7 machine. Windows is not an international OS, but
rather a collection of ghettoized national versions.
As I said before, Idle does work in this regard.
Python 3.4.0a4 (v3.4.0a4:e245b0d7209b, Oct 20 2013, 19:57:58) [MSC
v.1600 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
>>> "ሴé€㑖Ѓ⌴*"
Terry Jan Reedy