On Fri, Dec 13, 2013 at 5:32 PM, Amirouche Boubekki
<amirouche.boube...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Why is bv4bv4...@gmail.com still not banned?

Because they’re posting via Usenet.  Google Groups, to be exact — if
someone feels like it, go bug <groups-ab...@google.com>.

> 2013/12/13 <bv4bv4...@gmail.com>
>> Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world especially since sept.
>> 11.
>> An important article shows that every child is born on the "fitrah"
>> (natural inclination) of "Islam", the spread of Islam after September
>> eleventh and that it’s necessary to make an open communication between
>> Muslims & Non-Muslims for presenting a right picture about Islam .
>> Salam Alaykum:
>> Your question about the increase in the "reversion to Islam" is a good
>> one. You have given me the excuse to do something that I have wanted to do
>> for a long time. I have wanted to write on the subject of "Reverts to Islam
>> in Modern Times" and the message that it carries to all of us Muslims about
>> Islam TODAY.
>> BACK TO Islam?
>> Reverts to Islam In Modern Times
>> "Revert" As Opposed to "Convert"
>> I like to use the word "revert" as opposed to the word "convert" as it
>> more suits the occasion of a person returning back to his natural condition
>> at birth. The baby is born in true surrender, submission, obedience and
>> peace with his Creator. And this is the desirable position of the Muslim, to
>> be in peace and submission to the Will of Allah (God in English). Instead of
>> thinking in terms of "converting" people over to Islam, it is better
>> understood that they are simply returning back to their natural state at
>> birth. And this is from the teachings of our beloved prophet, Muhammad,
>> peace be upon him. (Muslims should always say "Peace be upon him/them" when
>> referring to any of the prophets).
>> Like A Baby
>> Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, said: "Every child is born on the
>> "fitrah" (natural inclination) of "Islam" (surrender, submission and peace
>> to the Creator on His Terms). And it is their parents who raise them up to
>> be Jews, Christians or fire worshippers."
>> Dr. Ted Campbell who is the professor of religion at the seminary school
>> in Maryland and I were both sharing the speakers platform last year in
>> Maryland University. At the closing of a very nice interfaith dialog there
>> came a strange question for both of us. Noah, the moderator said: "This last
>> question is for both speakers: "Why are each of you in your religion?"
>> Dr. Campbell took his position in front of the microphone and then looked
>> around the room as he thought about the question. I will never forget his
>> words. He said: "I guess I would have to say that I am a Methodist because,
>> well because, my parents raised me that way. As a Methodist."
>> He was right.
>> That is what we know as Muslims. However, as I mentioned in my answer to
>> the same question: "And then some are brought back to their original state
>> as a baby." They are "reverted" to Islam by the Mercy of Allah.
>> Actual or Factual Numbers of American Muslims
>> Many people are claiming that twice as many, or three times or four times,
>> or even ten times as many people are coming into Islam as they did prior to
>> the events of September 11. Who could possibly know the numbers? We are not
>> even sure how many Muslims live here in America. I have heard the numbers
>> range from around 3,000,000 all the way up to 11,000,000. I'm sure that only
>> Allah Knows for sure how many Muslims there are in America.
>> Rate of "Reversion"
>> Actually, I can't give accurate statistics before or after the September
>> events. I have heard from some "experts" that Islam was the fastest growing
>> religion in the world prior to the September 11 events. I have no reason to
>> doubt it either. In the many Masjids around the United States and in the
>> many countries that I have been fortunate enough to visit I have found
>> thousands who have entered into Islam. The Anglican Church of England
>> expressed concern that if something does not change in the trend of new
>> Muslims in England that the Muslims will out number the Anglicans by the
>> year 2010.
>> The number one name of the birth certificates for new born boys in England
>> was not John, or Michael, or William. It is "Muhammad." In Mexico, Sweden,
>> Denmark and Canada I have witnessed so many coming into Islam that I cannot
>> count them all. Everywhere I go I meet new Muslims. Prisons, universities
>> and even in the military I have personally seen thousands who came to Islam.
>> This is all before the events of September 11.
>> More Exposure to the Message
>> What I feel comfortable saying is that more and more people are being to
>> exposed to Islam all over the world. Whether or not the picture they are
>> receiving is painted correctly or not is not as important a factor as is the
>> fact that at long last many people on this planet are looking at Islam as
>> something very real. Therefore, when they ask about Islam some of the
>> information is stimulating feelings inside of the people. Naturally we are
>> going to see those who are stimulated to be against Islam. At the same time
>> you have to understand that there are a number of people who will take the
>> position that you cannot always believe everything in the news media. These
>> are the ones whom Allah guides to inquire and learn more.
>> Allah is the Only Guide
>> It is only Allah who Guides the people and it is only Allah who Misguides.
>> The biggest problem in the past used to be the lack of interest in Islam.
>> People were not interested in talking about Islam or any religion for that
>> matter, even their own. Now the problem is the lack of correct knowledge of
>> Islam. There simply was not anything about Islam out there.
>> Then the events of the 1970s with the actions of some of the Iranians when
>> they hijacked airplanes and we saw on the news, men prostrating on the
>> ground outside the airplanes. We in the West learned a new word; "Shi'ism".
>> People said this is some strange religion (Islam). What is going on? Then
>> came the 1980s and we saw acts of terrorism that occurred in Palestine and
>> the words "fundamentalist" and "Muslim" became associated together.
>> At the very beginning of the next decade we saw something take place in
>> Iraq and Kuwait. Again religion is brought into the picture. Not a pretty
>> picture, but a picture. Midway through the 1990s we saw big actions taking
>> place everywhere in the world. The Trade Center in New York, airplanes,
>> embassies, attacks and counter attacks. All along we are hearing something
>> about "Islam" and "Moslems." Still not very positive to say the least. Then
>> what occurred in September brought out more information, although distorted,
>> about this religion of the East.
>> President Says "Islam is Peace"
>> Every home, every business, every place on earth became exposed to this
>> religion called: "Islam." The president of the United States went on
>> television at a time when everyone who had a TV set was watching to see what
>> the United States Commander in Chief was going to say about the events of
>> September 11, and what US was going to do. His message contained a lot of
>> threats and promises about what the Americans were going to do to those who
>> committed these horrific acts of terrorism. But the words that stick in my
>> mind are the words that introduced Islam to a lot of people around the world
>> who had never heard of Islam before in their lives.
>> The words of President G. W. Bush when he said: "Islam is a religion of
>> peace." Every single place on earth that could receive the broadcast signal
>> from the TV towers or the satellites orbiting the earth got the message. And
>> for those who were not so fortunate as to have a TV set, it was
>> simultaneously broadcast on every radio station in the world. And for those
>> who might have slept through the broadcast, it was rebroadcast over and
>> over. And then for those who did not speak English of course there was
>> translation. And then the written word took over where the broadcasting left
>> off. There was not a newspaper in the world except that it carried something
>> of the meaning of what Mr. Bush said on that occasion. It was a historical
>> speech. One that will go down in the books of history as the retaliation of
>> a nation against terrorism. He said it. "Islam IS A RELIGION OF PEACE."
>> Divide Muslims
>> Now we know that Mr. Bush is not promoting Islam by any stretch of the
>> imagination. However, he still could not afford to say something derogatory
>> against all the Muslims in the world by attacking Islam. That would then
>> unite all the Muslims against America (at least most of them).
>> In fact it was to the advantage of the Americans to make statements that
>> would help divide the Muslims over the situation existing in Afghanistan and
>> the situation that was sure to occur. By making this statement, he left the
>> door open for the Muslims who did not want to see any problem between the
>> materialism of the West (which they personally enjoyed or would like to
>> enjoy) and the sacrificing of those who were willing to stand up against the
>> tyranny and oppression of the Western society and all that comes along with
>> it.
>> So the strategy was to say things that made certain Muslims look bad while
>> at the same time not exactly attacking Islam. This led up to the next
>> desirable situation for shaytan (the devil): Divide the Muslims against each
>> other. So, now we had "mainstream Muslims" and "fundamentalist Muslims" and
>> "terrorist Islam" and "modern Islam." It worked too. The Muslims did the
>> thing that the non-Muslims could never have done. The Muslims defeated
>> themselves. Anytime that Muslims fight Muslims and Muslims kill Muslims,
>> then Allah's Protection is lifted from them and they will loose. That is
>> what happened.
>> People Want to Know
>> Still in the midst of all of this negative propaganda and bad press,
>> non-Muslim people were curious to learn more of this "cult" of Islam, its
>> people and their beliefs. Books about Islam and Muslims were disappearing
>> off the shelves of the bookstores faster than they could replenish them.
>> Unfortunately almost every single book was written either by a non-Muslim or
>> authors from the various deviant sects of Muslims. So the people were still
>> not getting the real message of the true Islam.
>> Websites, chat rooms, email and message boards became alive with
>> information (and misinformation) about Islam, Muslims, Quran, Muhammad,
>> peace be upon him. Some people wanted to know the truth, others wanted to
>> hide it. Discussions and arguments about what Islam is about and what
>> Muslims do were very common place. This was the most exposure that these
>> subjects had ever had in the world at one time.
>> Open Communication Between Muslim & Non-Muslim
>> The good news came when the various dialogs between the Muslims and
>> Christians began to take place. When the non-Muslims began to enter the
>> masjids and sit with the Muslims and shared together in discussions and
>> shared together enjoying the food and traditions of other cultures an
>> amazing thing began to happen. They opened their minds and their hearts to
>> the true message of the submission and surrender and obedience to the One
>> True God, Allah -- in Islam.
>> Back to Islam
>> Since September 11th, I have seen a huge increase in the interest of
>> people wanting to know about Islam and at the same time a marked increase in
>> the "dawah" (invitation) to Islam on the part of the Muslims around the
>> world. This is how the people are coming to Islam. The same way people have
>> come to Islam for 1,400 years. By learning the true message and being with
>> real Muslims. Those who are inclined to "revert" back to the natural state
>> of baby-like submission and peace with Allah, are finding their way back to
>> Islam.
>> Many New Muslims
>> Islam today, is growing faster than ever. It is the Will of Allah, for
>> only He Guides. The people want to know. The interest is keen. The materials
>> are available in more simple terms in many languages. The Muslims are
>> starting to carry the responsibility of sharing the message of the true
>> "Peace With God in Islam."
>> Islam In Every Home
>> Somewhere in the middle of all of this is occurred to me an expression of
>> our prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him. When he said what might translate
>> to English as:
>> "The Last Day will not come until Islam has entered every house on earth,
>> whether it is made of animal skins or from the earth."
>> http://www.islamhouse.com/185804/en/en/articles/Islam_is_the_fastest_growing_religion_in_the_world_especially_since_sept._11.
>> http://www.islamtomorrow.com
>> thank you
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Chris “Kwpolska” Warrick <http://kwpolska.tk>
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