I'm using python 2.6 on Linux/CentOs 6.x

I'm getting ctypes to work, but getting stuck on the use of  .argtypes.  Can 
someone point out what I'm doing.  This is my first use of ctypes and it looks 
like I'm getting different definitions in stackoverflow that may correspond to 
different version of python.

Here is my code.  Without the restype/argtypes it works, but I cannot figure 
out how to define argtypes to match the data.  
mylibrary     = ctypes.CDLL(LIBRARY_PATH)
mdsconvert = mylibrary.RugVersionConverter
mdsconvert.restype = ctypes.c_int
mdsconvert.argtypes = [ charptr, #flat buffer of mds 3.0 data
                        ctypes.c_buffer, #computed flat buffer of mds 2.0 data
                        ctypes.c_buffer  #version set to "1.00.4" in c++, never 

def convertMds2to3(mds30buffer):
    mds20 = ctypes.create_string_buffer('\000'*3000)
    t = ctypes.create_string_buffer('\000'*30)
    success = mdsconvert(mds30buffer,  ctypes.byref(mds20), ctypes.byref(t) )
    print 'convert %s to %s success=%s version=%s' % (len(mds30buffer), 
len(mds20.value), success, t.value)
    return mds20.value

------------------------------- C++ code looks like this 
extern "C"
   int RugVersionConverter( char * sInputRecord, char * MDS2_Rec, char * 
Version );

where sInputRecord is input and MDS2_Rec and Version are output.

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