Hi Tim,
On 06/12/13 20:47, Tim Golden wrote:
On 06/12/2013 09:27, Chris Angelico wrote:
On Fri, Dec 6, 2013 at 7:21 PM, Garthy
<garthy_nh...@entropicsoftware.com> wrote:
PS. Apologies if any of these messages come through more than once. Most
lists that I've posted to set reply-to meaning a normal reply can be used,
but python-list does not seem to. The replies I have sent manually to
python-list@python.org instead don't seem to have appeared. I'm not quite
sure what is happening- apologies for any blundering around on my part
trying to figure it out.
They are coming through more than once. If you're subscribed to the
list, sending to python-list@python.org should be all you need to do -
where else are they going?
I released a batch from the moderation queue from Garthy first thing
this [my] morning -- ie about 1.5 hours ago. I'm afraid I didn't check
first as to whether they'd already got through to the list some other way.
I had to make a call between re-sending posts that might have gone
missing, or seemingly not responding promptly when people had taken the
time to answer my complex query. I made a call to re-send, and it was
the wrong one. The fault for the double-posting is entirely mine.