On 12/2/13 4:44 PM, Ned Batchelder wrote:
On 12/2/13 3:45 PM, Mark Lawrence wrote:
On 02/12/2013 20:26, Terry Reedy wrote:
On 12/2/2013 10:45 AM, Mark Lawrence wrote:

the worst loser in the world

Mark, I consider your continual direct personal attacks on other posters
to be a violation of the PSF Code of Conduct, which *does* apply to
python-list. Please stop.

The attacks that "Joseph McCarthy" has been launching on the core
developers for the last 15 months are in my view now perfectly
acceptable.  This is excellent news.  Everybody can now say what they
like about the core developers and there's no comeback.

You can also stuff the code of conduct, it's quite clearly only brought
into play when it suits.  Never, ever aim it at somebody who goes out of
their way to stir things up, always target it at the people who fight

The point is that in this thread, no one was making attacks on core
developers.  You were bringing up old animosity here for no reason at
all, and making them personal attacks to boot.

I don't see how you think wxjmfauth was "going out of his way to stir
things up" in *this* thread.  He made three comments, none of which
mentioned the FSR or any other controversial topic.  Can't we respond to
the content of posts, and not to past offenses by the poster?

Additionally, wxjmfauth's past complaints about the flexible string
representation were not personal.  He didn't say, "Joe Smith is the
worst loser in the world for writing the FSR".  He complained about a
feature of CPython, baselessly, but he never attacked the people doing
the work.  His continued complaints were aggravating, I agree. I don't
know that they rose to the level of "disrespectful".

I know that your behavior here is disrespectful.

As to when the code of conduct is brought up, it's only fairly recently
that it has been mentioned in this forum.  There have clearly been posts
in recent memory (the last year) which could have been examined in light
of the code of conduct, and were not. I think we are using it more
uniformly now. You helped me realize better how to apply it to this
forum, and I thank you for that.  I welcome your help in applying it
better still.  But it applies to you as well and I don't think it's too
much to ask that you abide by it.

The way to improve this list is to respectfully point to and demonstrate
community norms and ask people to conform to them.  Spewing vitriol
isn't going to fix anything.


BTW: I think Mark has kill-filed me, so if anyone agrees enough with me here to want Mark to see it, someone else will have to respond before he gets the text.



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