On 12/2/13 7:04 AM, Chris Angelico wrote:
On Mon, Dec 2, 2013 at 10:58 PM, Ned Batchelder <n...@nedbatchelder.com> wrote:
Yes, a Queue object has a queue attribute:

     >>> import Queue
     >>> q = Queue.Queue()
     >>> q.queue

But you shouldn't use it.  It's part of the implementation of Queue, not
meant for you to use directly.  In particular, if you use it directly, you
are skipping all synchronization, which is the main reason to use a Queue in
the first place.

I should apologize here; when the OP said "queue", I immediately
noticed that I could import that and use it, and mistakenly started my
testing on that, instead of using the deque type. It's deque that
should be used here. Queue is just a wrapper around deque that adds
functionality that has nothing to do with what's needed here.


Actually, I had a long conversation in the #python IRC channel with the OP at the same time he was posting the question here, and it turns out he knows exactly how many entries are going into the "queue", so a plain-old list is the best solution. I don't know quite where the idea of limiting the number of entries came from.



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