On Thu, 28 Nov 2013 15:43:43 -0800 (PST)
ngangsia akumbo wrote:
> I wish to come up with a city guide that can give directions, locations like 
> business spots, cafe, restaurants, hospitals in English and the local 
> language spoken by the people.

Thats a nice idea! :)

> To be honest am not that experience, i think i need some time to study more 
> in order to attain this goal, but i will like to get direction and may be 
> resources which can also help me on my way.

If you are willing to learn then you are on the right way... ;) But you
really need to understand a lot of things if you want to start
developing such an application. Just start coding for fun and learning
and after some time you will automatically understand how things work
and maybe find a way to implement your solution.

Feel free to ask people at the right places but ask questions that we
could answer. Just asking how to implement a "city guide" is a bad idea
because you will get no answers on that. Ask questions which are
concrete so we could try to help you out.

BTW: Using Python is a good idea to start learning coding because it is
a very straight forward language. Many people say it is hard to learn
but I don't agree with them. If you learn Python you learn a language
for all kind of purposes and the documentation is excellent!

As I wrote in my last mail, go to https://www.djangoproject.com/ and
read the tutorials there. You could learn lot of Python and web
application development from that.


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