On Fri, Nov 29, 2013 at 3:11 AM, Eamonn Rea <eamonn...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Oh, sorry, I'm new to how Google Groups works. I wonder why it lays it out 
> like that. Can it not just show quotes like the way that PHPbb does?

Google Groups is just a newsgroup client (and one of the worst in the
world, imho). Ultimately, what you're reading and writing is netnews
and a mailing list (the two are automatically linked, anything sent to
either gets copied to the other). It's fundamentally plain text, not
HTML and not PHPBB.

I recommend signing up for the mailing list, rather than using GG.


There are ways to use GG without it being quite as obnoxious as it
usually is, but it's a lot more work than just using a better


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