On Nov 27, 2013, at 3:32 AM, Dan Wissme <wis...@hotmail.com> wrote: > Hi ! > Am I the only one to get a bug in GUIs using tkinter on my Mac under maverick > and Python 3.3.3 ? > When will they get rid of Tcl/Tk which causes recurrent problems at almost > each new Python version ! > Please, for the rest of us...
I’m curious, if they get rid of Tcl/Tk as you wished, what do you propose replacing it with? It’s not like there are other “light weight cross platform ui frameworks” that are obvious replacements. Most of the others are far heavier. And all have issues with their purported cross platformness. Or are you proposing that Tcl/Tk be moved out of the python core distro, and instead delivered as a separate package? If *this* is your proposal, I wholeheartedly agree. Just the other day, I was working on putting python3 on a beaglebone black (similar to a raspberry pi). It built OK, but I had to ignore lots of warnings about Tcl/Tk not working, which of course was a “duh”. I was surprised, that among some, there’s a sentiment that python core MUST include it. Which was interesting. One of the core principles of this language is all about modules and modularity. Why can’t the Tcl/Tk module be the same as numpy and scipy and many of the other widely installed-after-the-fact-as-appropriate packages? -- https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list