On Monday, November 25, 2013 2:32:12 PM UTC-5, Rick Johnson wrote: > On Saturday, November 23, 2013 7:38:47 PM UTC-6, Steven D'Aprano wrote: > > Where do you, an American, > > What the hell makes you believe I'm an American? Because i > speak fluent English? Because i embrace capitalism? Because > i wish to be free of tyranny? Well, if that's all it takes > to be an American, then count me in! > > America.append("RickJohnson") > > > get off telling others that their regional variety of > > English is incorrect? > > Because with the ALREADY excessive polysemous nature of the > English language, why would we want to PURPOSELY inject more > inconsistency?.. especially when the sole purpose of the > change is driven by selfishness? > > Do you remember your thread titled: "The narcissism of small > code differences"? Do you remember how the author warned > against the dangers of re-writing old code for fear of > enduring lengthy de-bugging trials? > > Okay, with that synopsis in mind, now you want us to believe > that injecting polysemy into the English language JUST for > the mere PRIDE of "regional groups" is not: > > destructive? > or at least harmful? > or at minimum, non-productive? > > > Sod off and take your despicable little Randian pseudo- > > philosophy with you. > > Yes because women couldn't *possibly* be "legitimate" > philosophers -- is that correct? Or is your chauvinist anger > towards Ayn merely a mask to disguise the *real* source of > hatred: the defection of a fellow "comrade" to the > capitalist system? > > How dare people allow themselves to be free! > > HOW DARE THEY! > > ...who's the fascist now?
Rick, I've never understood how much your rants are tongue-in-cheek, or intended to amuse, and how much they accurately represent your philosophy and mindset. Most of your rants had to do with programming at least. Let's please avoid veering off into rants about language and philosophy now. --Ned. -- https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list