have a look at the "timeit" module aswell

GregM wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm hoping that someone can point me in the right direction with this.
> What I would like to do is calculate the average time it takes to load
> a page. I've been searching the net and reading lots but I haven't
> found anything that helps too much. I'm testing our web site and hiting
> +6000 urls per test. Here is a subset of what I'm doing.
> import IEC
> #IE controller from http://www.mayukhbose.com/python/IEC/index.php
> from win32com.client import Dispatch
> import time
> import datetime
> from sys import exc_info, stdout, argv, exit
> failedlinks = []
> links = open(testfile).readlines()
> totalNumberTests = len(links)
> ie = IEC.IEController()
> start = datetime.datetime.today()
> # asctime() returns a human readable time stamp whereas time() doesn't
> startTimeStr = time.asctime()
> for link in links:
>         start = datetime.datetime.today()
>         ie.Navigate(link)
>         end = datetime.datetime.today()
>         pagetext = ie.GetDocumentText()
>         #check the returned web page for some things
>         if not (re.search(searchterm, pagetext):
>            failedlinks.append(link)
> ie.CloseWindow()
> finised = datetime.datetime.today()
> finishedTimeStr = time.asctime()
> # then I print out results, times and etc.
> So:
> 1. Is there a better time function to use?
> 2. To calculate the average times do I need to split up min, sec, and
> msec and then just do a standard average calculation or is there a
> better way?
> 3. is there a more efficient way to do this?
> 4. kind of OT but is there any control like this for Mozilla or
> firefox?
> This is not intended to be any sort of load tester just a url
> validation and page check.
> Thanks in advance.
> Greg.

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