On Sunday, November 17, 2013 4:23:11 PM UTC-6, Rick Johnson wrote:

> 2. Never start a function or method with a lowercase letter.
> Please read PEP8

Urm... let me correct that:

2. Never start a function or method with a UPPERCASE letter.
Initial uppercase should be reserved for class names only --
and any number of leading underscores does not affect that
rule because underscores are not in the set [A-Za-z]!

You don't want these:

  def __IllegalName
  def _IllegalName
  def IllegalName

But these are okay:

  def __legalName
  def _legalName
  def legalName

These are preferred, however, i detest superfluous underscores!

  def __legal_name
  def _legal_name
  def legal_name

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