Héllo Pythonistas from all over the world,
I'm very proud to announce the immediate availability of Pythonium Core 0.2.5, a Python 3 to Javascript translator (the best) that generates *fast* *portable* code written in Python. It use Python 3 parser and translates the code to JavaScript code. I did not say “it's fully compliant” because it's not. That's not the point of this flavor. Its point is to make possible to write Python code and use it in the browsers. All the objects stay vanilla Javascript objects. There is no builtins, no stdlib, except what is available in the wild, because Pythonium can access Javascript objects directly, you can use *whatever* JavaScript library you want. There is port of the mrdoob webgl cloud demo available watch: http://pythonium.github.io/ read: https://github.com/pythonium/pythonium.github.io/blob/master/js/app.py The project is hosted at github: https://github.com/pythonium/pythonium Don't hesitate to watch/star/fork/create/pr ! Like said earlier, it's the best translator I know of, and it's written in Python. How do you get started ? ================== If you know JavaScript it's easy you don't need guidance. Don't forget to read the cookook https://github.com/pythonium/pythonium/wiki/Pythonium-Core-Cookbook If you only know backend or desktop Python development, it will be a bit more work. What you can do is take a jQuery or Javascript course, and translate the code on the fly to Python, compile it using the pythonium_core and and run it in nodejs or a browser. Good luck! What's next? ========== Now, basicly, I don't know what to do! Except bugs in requirejs integration, I don't except to commit more on this flavor of Pythonium, so I could work on more compliant flavors until reaching full compliance with Python 3. BUT, this is not very interesting, having full compliance is nice, but you loose native javascript speed (meh!) I'd rather be working on the next killer todo list or some Kivy-like library for the browser using Pythonium Core. What do you think? Amirouche
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