Op 16-11-13 22:02, Tim Chase schreef:
> On 2013-11-16 08:03, Ferrous Cranus wrote:
>> root@secure [~]# find / -name python3.4 | rm -rf   
> [snip]
> I'm surprised I haven't seen the suggestion to move the "/" to the
> end of the entire command...it would certainly DELETE ALL REMAINS OF
> PYTHON3.4 ;-)
> Note1: ...
> Note2: ...
> Note3: ...


Please don't encourage our Help Vampire. I know this is generally a
welcoming community that is generous with its expertise, even if
someone asks questions beyond python. But Nikos abuses that generousity
which angers and frustrates a lot of people and generates a lot of
hostility here.

So we need people not to encourage Nikos and that means being rather
less friendly with him than with others. So please ignore non
python questions from him. With respect to python questions: Don't
spoon feed him. Don't answer his questions for him or do his work for
him. Give him the information he needs to find things out himself,
preferably refer him to the documentation.

Antoon Pardon


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