Finally i have managed to install 'Python' and 'Python-pip' from rpms from EPEL repository.
That good BUT: root@secure [~]# pip install pymysql Downloading/unpacking pymysql Downloading PyMySQL-0.6.1.tar.gz (51kB): 51kB downloaded Running egg_info for package pymysql Installing collected packages: pymysql Running install for pymysql Successfully installed pymysql Cleaning up... root@secure [~]# pip install pygeoip Downloading/unpacking pygeoip Downloading pygeoip-0.3.0.tar.gz (97kB): 97kB downloaded Running egg_info for package pygeoip Installing collected packages: pygeoip Running install for pygeoip Successfully installed pygeoip Cleaning up... root@secure [~]# root@secure [~]# pip list py* distribute (0.6.10) ethtool (0.6) iniparse (0.3.1) iwlib (1.0) pycurl (7.19.0) pygeoip (0.3.0) pygpgme (0.1) PyMySQL (0.6.1) urlgrabber (3.9.1) yum-metadata-parser (1.1.2) root@secure [~]# but when is: i get the error you will like 'pymysql' and 'pymysql' are missing Since they are install how can they be missing? root@secure [~]# which python /usr/bin/python root@secure [~]# which python3 /usr/bin/python3 root@secure [~]# The only thing i can think of is that those packages have installed under default python 2.6.6 and not under Python 3.3.2. Can this be the case here? And if yes then, how will i e those 2 packages with latest python? --