On Jul 7, 2005, at 3:24 AM, Alessandro Brollo wrote:

> 1. I don't want to post banal questions about Python
> to main Python list. Does a "banal Python questions
> list" or a "Python beginners list" exist?
> 2. There is somewhere a very patient fellow willing to
> be my free "python tutor" by personal e-mailing
> outside the mail list? . The ideal candidate would be
> someone, sharing with me some other fields of interest
> (I'm a middle-aged Italian pathologist, with some
> dBase III and dBase IV past programming experience,
> and I like nature and mainly horses).

        There is an email list called ProPython 
(http://leafe.com/mailman/listinfo/propython) that was started by a 
group of Visual FoxPro developers who are taking up Python. So it is 
definitely newbie-friendly, and has many people willing to help walk 
you through the learning process. And with your database programming 
background, you're sure to fit in with a Fox-flavored crowd!

  Ed Leafe


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