Robert Kern wrote: > Jacob Page wrote: > >> I have created what I think may be a useful Python module, but I'd >> like to share it with the Python community to get feedback, i.e. if >> it's Pythonic. If it's considered useful by Pythonistas, I'll see >> about hosting it on Sourceforge or something like that. Is this a >> good forum for exposing modules to the public, or is there somewhere >> more-acceptable? Does this newsgroup find attachments acceptable? > > No. Please put files somewhere on the web and post a URL. This would be > a good forum to informally announce and discuss your module. Formal > announcements once you, e.g. put it on SF should go to .
Thanks for the information, Robert. Anyway, here's my informal announcement: The iset module is a pure Python module that provides the ISet class and some helper functions for creating them. Unlike Python sets, which are sets of discrete values, an ISet is a set of intervals. An ISet could, for example, stand for all values less than 0, all values from 2 up to, but not including 62, or all values not equal to zero. ISets can also pertain to non-numeric values. ISets can be used in much the same way as sets. They can be or'ed, and'ed, xor'ed, added, subtracted, and inversed. Membership testing is done the same as with a set. The documentation has some examples of how to create and use ISets. The iset module is for Python 2.4 or later. I am seeking feedback from programmers and mathematicians on how to possibly make this module more user-friendly, better-named, better-documented, better-tested, and more Pythonic. Then, if this module is considered acceptable by the community, I'll create a more permanent home for this project. To download the iset module and view its pydoc-generated documentation, please visit --