On Nov 12, 2013, at 10:57 AM, Ferrous Cranus <nikos.gr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Στις 12/11/2013 5:54 μμ, ο/η Tim Chase έγραψε:
>> On 2013-11-12 17:24, Ferrous Cranus wrote:
>>> But what of the server was in California and i live in Greece?
>>> How would datetime.now() work then?
>> Best practices say to move the value from local time to UTC as soon
>> as possible, then store/use the UTC time internally for all
>> operations.  Only when it's about to be presented to the user should
>> you convert it back to local time if you need to.
>> -tkc
> or perhaps by confiruing the timezone of the server to use Greece's TimeZone 
> by issuing a linux command?
> -- 

Thus totally screwing all the other users/sites hosted on that server? Thus 
totally screwing up all the housekeeping and maintenance OS tasks that are run 
by chron jobs?

Shakes head in dismay...


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