On Mon, Nov 11, 2013 at 5:49 PM,  <ru...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> On Friday, November 8, 2013 3:06:33 PM UTC-7, Joel Goldstick wrote:
>> rurpy?  can you help?
> No, sorry.  For your future reference, if there is a
> question I can help with (have the technical knowledge,
> haven't seen a good answer yet, have time, etc) I will
> post my attempt at an answer.
> So lack of such a response is a pretty good clue that
> I can't help at the current time, and there is no need
> to ping me explicitly.

I guess the word ping can make sense as to bring attention to a
particular person.  I believed I responded on the mailing list.
> I do appreciate your "genuine" concern for Nikos and
> that he gets a good answer though.

So, since you don't like to be emailed directly, (I'm guessing), I
will respond here.

Its nice that an occasional participant sticks up and sees the bright
of side of that particular OP.  My answer was an attempt at humor,
specifically for you Rurpy, since after your splendid defense of the
OP, he returned to the pattern of asking a question, getting a good
answer, then replying with a reply like "no, I want a one liner".
Then, starting a new thread and asking the same question again.

I don't think the idea of a mailing list or news group is to spoon
feed anyone code.  That is  what you pay someone to do.  If you want
advice and guidance, its polite to try to learn from it, and move the
conversation forward.

have a nice day
> --
> https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

Joel Goldstick

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