On 2013-11-10 01:27, Chris Angelico wrote: > > Is everyone happy with the way things are? Could anyone recommend > > a good, high level language for CGI work? Not sure if I'm going > > to be happy with Perl (ahhh, get him, he's mentioned Perl and is > > a heretic!) or Python. I would very much value any constructive > > criticism or insights. > > If by CGI you actually literally mean CGI, then most of us don't > have any experience with it.
While there might be some die-hards in the group that would accuse you (the OP) of heresy, most folks here are pragmatics that will shrug and reply "if {Perl,PHP,Ruby,Pike,JavaScript,...} solves your problem, go for it. We just can't help you much unless it's Python". Much like I'm a vi/vim guy, but if emacs/Sublime/notepad/nano/ed/edlin/cat works for you, then go for it. Most of the major frameworks *can* be run as CGI (rather than FastCGI or WSGI), but performance is usually abysmal because the entire program is restarted for each request (whereas FCGI/WSGI have long-running processes that exact the spin-up cost once). It's more of a party trick or proof-of-concept than anything you'd want to put into high-traffic production. Django[1], CherryPy[2], Flask[3], web.py[4], web2py[5] all support deploying in a CGI environment (it looks like Pylons/Pyramid might too, but I couldn't scare up a link for explicit directions). I'm personally partial to Django because it offers so much out of the box, but I've done work in a couple of the others too (doing some CherryPy contract work currently). -tkc [1] http://joemaller.com/1467/django-via-cgi-on-shared-hosting/ [2] http://tools.cherrypy.org/wiki/RunAsCGI [3] http://flask.pocoo.org/docs/deploying/cgi/ [4] http://webpy.org/cookbook/cgi-apache [5] http://web2py.com/book/default/chapter/13 -- https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list