Στις 7/11/2013 8:08 μμ, ο/η Neil Cerutti έγραψε:
On 2013-11-07, ?????????? ??????????????????????
<nikos.gr...@gmail.com> wrote:
I called you an idiot, because in your previous and current
message you called me too.
I know that splitting information across tables and maintain
foreign keys for retain relationships between them is a
necessary thing but in my case i only just an extra pieces of
information to eb associated with my visitor, a possible file
download. and i have decided just to add an extra colum to the
existing 'visitors' database and this is adequate.
Non-normalized data is sometimes a fine idea. How you plan to use
the data once it is stored will be the deciding factor.
One big win with databases is that you can query them really
easily using SQL. Non-normalized data negates that advantage.
How would you write a query to discover all the visitors who
downloaded file XYZ? With your storage scheme, you can't. So by
storing the data this way, you are promising yourself that you'll
never need to write that query, or at least, you won't need to do
it very often.
That would be a problem yes.
But as you said above the deciding factor is the "how" we plan to use
out stored data.
And my plan is to just display the records of all visitors per webpage
with the last column being a list of this specific visitors 'downloads'
as can be seen visually here:
'Δεν πραγματοποίηθηκαν ακόμη!' mean that this visitor hasn't download
anything yet, if he does a drop down menu will appear in that place
displaying his file picks.
People can download files from here:'http://superhost.gr/?page=files.py
(these torrent are just for testing reasons. later i will put my own
selection of files)