On 07/11/2013 17:42, Νίκος Αλεξόπουλος wrote:
Στις 7/11/2013 6:34 μμ, ο/η Mark Lawrence έγραψε:
On 07/11/2013 13:47, Νίκος Αλεξόπουλος wrote:
Στις 7/11/2013 11:31 πμ, ο/η Ferrous Cranus έγραψε:
Τη Πέμπτη, 7 Νοεμβρίου 2013 11:15:02 π.μ. UTC+2, ο χρήστης Steve
Simmons έγραψε:

Please tell me you aren't storing details of customers and payments
on your Web > server.

Oh but i do!
I need this information to be accessible ONLY FOR ME via my website
'http://superhost.gr' i just need to secure it more tight.

I think i have made it.

The hacker, didn't manage to mess again with either of my counters or
clients databases.

Too bad! I though 'she' was better than that!

She's just biding her time so as to cause you maximum pain!!!

Bring it on baby!

I like this challenge because it makes me improve on overall python
script security(most of it being securing user input data before
actually perform database queries).

Yeah right. You can't build a house until you've got the foundations right, so how can you improve on something when you know absolutely nothing about it in the first place?

I also understand than in my attempt to get help with my code i provided
"too much of it" which was successfully utilized by the hacker to attack
my website!

You didn't answer me though!
Is the hacker really a female?
And if she is, is she pretty? :)

That's for me to know and for you to find out. Actually I'll assume that you'll never find out as I'd guess that your detective skills are on a par with your computing skills, i.e. nonexistent.

Python is the second best programming language in the world.
But the best has yet to be invented.  Christian Tismer

Mark Lawrence


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